Welcome to the Central County Community Development Corporation!
The Central County Community Development Corporation (CCCDC) builds on the mission of the Urban League of Broward County which has promoted social and economic equality since 1975. Consistent with its long-term objective of advancing racial equity through community and economic development, the CCCDC works to address disparities that have made communities of color vulnerable. We accomplish by strengthening the social health of our community through minority entrepreneurship and business growth, job creation and affordable housing development.
Research suggests that Black residents in underserved neighborhoods are more likely to experience higher rates of unemployment and poverty while lacking access to quality healthcare, high wage jobs and affordable housing. As the Urban League’s subsidiary, it is incumbent upon us to narrow the growing racial wealth gap exacerbated by these barriers through innovative, community-driven solutions that help families build and protect their assets.
The generosity from our investors, funders and partners has played an essential role in the CCCDC’s development, expansion and community impact. We hope you will join us as we create opportunities that allow communities of color to realize the wealth-building potential of Urban League neighborhoods across South Florida.